Extended formulations for higher order polytopes in combinatorial optimization PhD thesis, OvGU Magdeburg (2019) supervised by Volker Kaibel (DOI)
Polytope der 0-1-Optimierung mit einem quadratischen Term
Master thesis, OvGU Magdeburg (2014)
supervised by Volker Kaibel
Fooling sets and rank
With Aya Hamed, Troy Lee and Dirk Oliver Theis,
European Journal of Combinatorics (2015)
Fooling-sets and rank in nonzero characteristic (extended abstract)
With Dirk Oliver Theis
Proceedings of EuroComb (2013) 383–390
Foolingsets und erweiterte Formulierungen
Bachelor thesis, OvGU Magdeburg (2012)
supervised by Dirk Oliver Theis